135.530. For the purposes of sections 100.010, 100.710 and 100.850,RSMo, sections 135.110, 135.200, 135.258, 135.313, 135.403, 135.405,135.503, 135.530 and 135.545, section 215.030, RSMo, sections 348.300 and348.302, RSMo, and sections 620.1400 to 620.1460*, RSMo, "distressedcommunity" means either a Missouri municipality within a metropolitanstatistical area which has a median household income of under seventypercent of the median household income for the metropolitan statisticalarea, according to the last decennial census, or a United States censusblock group or contiguous group of block groups within a metropolitanstatistical area which has a population of at least two thousand fivehundred, and each block group having a median household income of underseventy percent of the median household income for the metropolitan area inMissouri, according to the last decennial census. In addition thedefinition shall include municipalities not in a metropolitan statisticalarea, with a median household income of under seventy percent of the medianhousehold income for the nonmetropolitan areas in Missouri according to thelast decennial census or a census block group or contiguous group of blockgroups which has a population of at least two thousand five hundred eachblock group having a median household income of under seventy percent ofthe median household income for the nonmetropolitan areas of Missouri,according to the last decennial census. In metropolitan statistical areas,the definition shall include areas that were designated as either a federalempowerment zone; or a federal enhanced enterprise community; or a stateenterprise zone that was originally designated before January 1, 1986, butshall not include expansions of such state enterprise zones done afterMarch 16, 1988.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1656, A.L. 1999 S.B. 20, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1155)*Sections 620.1400 to 620.1460 were repealed by S.B. 1155 in 2004.