135.766. An eligible small business, as defined in Section 44 of theInternal Revenue Code, shall be allowed a credit against the tax otherwisedue pursuant to chapter 143, RSMo, not including sections 143.191 to143.265, RSMo, in an amount equal to any amount paid by the eligible smallbusiness to the United States Small Business Administration as a guarantyfee pursuant to obtaining Small Business Administration guaranteedfinancing and to programs administered by the United States Department ofAgriculture for rural development or farm service agencies. No tax creditsprovided under this section shall be authorized on or after the thirtiethday following the effective date of this act*. The provisions of thissubsection shall not be construed to limit or in any way impair thedepartment's ability to issue tax credits authorized prior to the thirtiethday following the effective date of this act*, or a taxpayer's ability toredeem such tax credits.
(L. 1999 H.B. 139 § 4, Repealed L. 2000 S.B. 894 § A, L. 2004 H.B. 1603, A.L. 2009 H.B. 191)*"This act" (H.B. 191, 2009) contained multiple effective dates.