135.900. As used in sections 135.900 to 135.906, the following termsmean:
(1) "Department", the department of economic development;
(2) "Director", the director of the department of economicdevelopment;
(3) "Earned income", all income not derived from retirement accounts,pensions, or transfer payments;
(4) "New business facility", the same meaning as such term is definedin section 135.100; except that the term "lease" as used therein shall notinclude the leasing of property defined in paragraph (d) of subdivision (6)of this section;
(5) "Population", all residents living in an area who are notenrolled in any course at a college or university in the area;
(6) "Revenue-producing enterprise":
(a) Manufacturing activities classified as SICs 20 through 39;
(b) Agricultural activities classified as SIC 025;
(c) Rail transportation terminal activities classified as SIC 4013;
(d) Renting or leasing of residential property to low- andmoderate-income persons as defined in 42 U.S.C.A. 5302(a)(20);
(e) Motor freight transportation terminal activities classified asSIC 4231;
(f) Public warehousing and storage activities classified as SICs 422and 423 except SIC 4221, miniwarehouse warehousing and warehousingself-storage;
(g) Water transportation terminal activities classified as SIC 4491;
(h) Airports, flying fields, and airport terminal services classifiedas SIC 4581;
(i) Wholesale trade activities classified as SICs 50 and 51;
(j) Insurance carriers activities classified as SICs 631, 632, and633;
(k) Research and development activities classified as SIC 873, except8733;
(l) Farm implement dealer activities classified as SIC 5999;
(m) Employment agency activities classified as SIC 7361;
(n) Computer programming, data processing, and other computer-relatedactivities classified as SIC 737;
(o) Health service activities classified as SICs 801, 802, 803, 804,806, 807, 8092, and 8093;
(p) Interexchange telecommunications service as defined in section386.020, RSMo, or training activities conducted by an interexchangetelecommunications company as defined in section 386.020, RSMo;
(q) Recycling activities classified as SIC 5093;
(r) Banking activities classified as SICs 602 and 603;
(s) Office activities as defined in section 135.100, notwithstandingSIC classification;
(t) Mining activities classified as SICs 10 through 14;
(u) The administrative management of any of the foregoing activities;or
(v) Any combination of any of the foregoing activities;
(7) "SIC", the standard industrial classification as suchclassifications are defined in the 1987 edition of the standard industrialclassification manual as prepared by the executive office of the president,office of management and budget;
(8) "Transfer payments", payments made under Medicaid, Medicare,Social Security, child support or custody agreements, and separationagreements.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1155)Expires 8-28-14