136.190. The distress warrant may be in the following form: State ofMissouri, ss.
The state of Missouri to the .... of the county of ...., greeting:Whereas, ...., the collector of revenue of the county of .... aforesaid, forthe year of our Lord two thousand and ...., hath failed and neglected to payto the director of revenue the full amount with which he stands charged on thebooks of the director of revenue of the state of Missouri, and which he oughtto have paid to the director of revenue aforesaid, on or before the .... dayof ...., in the year of our Lord two thousand and ....; and whereas, thedirector of revenue of the state of Missouri has ascertained the balance duethe state of Missouri by said .... to be the sum of .... dollars and ....cents and the said director of revenue has, according to law, charged the said...., as aforesaid, with the further sum of two and a half percent a month onsaid ascertained balance as aforesaid, to be computed on said balance from thesaid .... day of ...., two thousand and ...., until the same shall be paid orcollected: These are, therefore, to command you, in accordance with theprovisions of chapter ...., to levy and collect the sum of .... dollars and.... cents, the balance as aforesaid, ascertained to be due, and the said twoand a half percent a month from the .... day of ...., two thousand and ....,aforesaid, of the goods and chattels and real estate of the said ...., and forwant of sufficient goods and chattels and real estate to satisfy the aforesaidbalance, together with the said percent thereon, and the fees to the officercollecting the same, you are commanded to levy the same upon the goods andchattels and real estate of ...., the sureties of the said ....; you are alsocommanded, that after you have made such levy and collection, you pay the sameto the director of revenue within thirty days after its collection, unless thefirst Monday of March next following the date of this warrant shall intervene,and, in that event, then on or before that day, and return this warrant to theoffice of the director of revenue, and certify thereon how you have executedthe same. In testimony whereof, I, ...., director of revenue, have hereuntoset my hand and affixed the seal of the department of revenue, in the City ofJefferson, this .... day of ...., in the year of our Lord two thousand and..... .
Director of Revenue.
(L. 1945 p. 1428 ยง 28)