137.017. 1. For general property assessment purposes, thetrue value in money of land which is in use as agricultural andhorticultural property, as defined in section 137.016, shall bethat value which such land has for agricultural or horticulturaluse. The true value of buildings or other structures customarilyassociated with farming, agricultural, and horticultural uses,excluding residential dwellings and related land, shall be addedto the use value of the agricultural and horticultural land todetermine the value of the agricultural and horticulturalproperty under sections 137.017 to 137.021.
2. After it has been established that the land is actuallyagricultural and horticultural property, as defined in section137.016, and is being valued and assessed accordingly, the landshall remain in this category as long as the owner of the landcomplies with the provisions of sections 137.017 to 137.021.
3. Continuance of valuation and assessment for generalproperty taxation under the provisions of sections 137.017 to137.021 shall depend upon continuance of the land being used asagricultural and horticultural property, as defined in section137.016, and compliance with the other requirements of sections137.017 to 137.021 and not upon continuance in the same owner oftitle to the land.
4. For general property assessment purposes, the true valuein money of vacant and unused land which is classified asagricultural and horticultural property under subsection 3 ofsection 137.016 shall be its fair market value.
(L. 1975 S.B. 203 ยง 1, A.L. 1983 S.B. 63, et al., A.L. 1989 H.B. 181 & 633)