137.070. In all counties in this state which have now or mayhereafter adopt township organization, if the amount of revenuedesired and estimated by the county commission for countypurposes and the amount desired and estimated by any townshipboard for township purposes shall together exceed the ratepercent on the one hundred dollars valuation allowed by section11 of article X of the Constitution of Missouri for countypurposes, then it shall be the duty of the county commission toapportion the tax for county purposes between the countyorganization and the township organization in the followingmanner, to wit: Eighty percent of the taxes which may be legallylevied for county purposes shall be apportioned to the countyorganization for county purposes, and twenty percent of suchtaxes shall be apportioned to the township organization for thepurposes provided by section 65.360, RSMo, of the townshiporganization law, as specified by the township board; but thecombined rate for both the county and township organizationsshall not exceed the maximum rate provided by the constitution.
(RSMo 1939 § 11047, A.L. 1945 p. 1778)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9875; 1919 § 12867; 1909 § 11424