137.078. 1. For purposes of this section, the following terms shallmean:
(1) "Analog equipment", all depreciable items of tangible personalproperty that are used directly or indirectly in broadcasting televisionshows, radio programs, or commercials through the use of analog technology,including studio broadcast equipment, transmitter and antenna equipment,and broadcast towers;
(2) "Applicable analog fraction", a fraction, the numerator of whichis the total number of analog television sets in the United States for theimmediately preceding calendar year and the denominator of which is anamount representing the total combined number of analog and digitaltelevision sets in the United States for the immediately preceding calendaryear. The applicable analog fraction will be determined on an annual basisby the Missouri Broadcasters Association;
(3) "Applicable analog percentage", the following percentages for thefollowing years:Year of 2004 2005 2006 2007Acquisition Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year
2006 1%
2005 25% 1%
2004 50% 25% 1%
2003 75% 50% 25% 1%
2002 75% 50% 25% 1%
2001 75% 50% 25% 1%
2000 75% 50% 25% 1%
1999 75% 50% 25% 1%
1998 75% 50% 25% 1%
Prior 75% 50% 25% 1%;
(4) "Applicable digital fraction", a fraction, the numerator of whichis the total number of digital television sets in the United States for theimmediately preceding calendar year and the denominator of which is anamount representing the total combined number of analog and digitaltelevision sets in the United States for the immediately preceding calendaryear. The applicable digital fraction will be determined on an annualbasis by the Missouri Broadcasters Association;
(5) "Broadcast towers", structures with a function that includesholding television or radio broadcasters' antennae, repeaters, ortranslators at the height required or needed to transmit over-the-airsignals or enhance the transmission of the signals. This term alsoincludes the structures at least partially used by television broadcastersor radio broadcasters to provide weather radar information to the public.For property tax assessment purposes, broadcast towers are classified astangible personal property;
(6) "Digital equipment", all depreciable items of tangible personalproperty that are used directly or indirectly in broadcasting televisionshows, radio programs, or commercials through the use of digitaltechnology, including studio broadcast equipment, transmitter and antennaequipment, and broadcast towers;
(7) "Radio broadcasters", all businesses that own, lease, or operateradio broadcasting stations that transmit radio shows and commercials andthat are required to be licensed by the Federal Communications Commissionto provide such services;
(8) "Radio broadcasting equipment", both analog equipment and digitalequipment;
(9) "Studio broadcast equipment", studio equipment that receives,produces, modifies, controls, measures, modulates, adds to or subtractsfrom, or enhances signals in the process that results in over-the-airsignals for television broadcasters or radio broadcasters;
(10) "Television broadcasters", all businesses that own, lease, oroperate television broadcasting stations that transmit television shows andcommercials and that are required to be licensed by the FederalCommunications Commission to provide such services;
(11) "Television broadcasting equipment", both analog equipment anddigital equipment;
(12) "Transmitter and antenna equipment", equipment with functionsthat include transmitting signals from broadcast studios by increasing thepower, tuning signals to the frequency allowed by regulatory authorities,and broadcasting signals to the public for television broadcasters or radiobroadcasters.
2. In response to recent action by the Federal CommunicationsCommission, as described by the commission in the fifth report and order,docket number 97-116, for purposes of assessing all items of televisionbroadcasting equipment that are owned and used by television broadcastersfor purposes of broadcasting television shows and commercials:
(1) The true value in money of all analog equipment shall bedetermined by depreciating the historical cost of such property using thedepreciation tables provided in subdivision (1) of subsection 3 of thissection and multiplying the results by the applicable analog percentage.The result of the second computation is multiplied by the applicable analogfraction to determine the true value in money of the analog equipment; and
(2) The true value in money of all digital equipment shall bedetermined by depreciating the historical cost of such property using thedepreciation tables provided in subdivision (2) of subsection 3 of thissection and multiplying the results by the applicable digital fraction todetermine the true value in money of the digital equipment.
3. For purposes of subsection 2 of this section, the depreciationtables for determining the true value in money of television broadcastingequipment are as follows:
(1) For analog equipment, the following depreciation tables willapply for the following years: Year of 2004 2005 2006 2007 Acquisition Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year
2006 65%
2005 65% 45%
2004 65% 45% 30%
2003 65% 45% 30% 20%
2002 45% 30% 20% 10%
2001 30% 20% 10% 5%
2000 20% 10% 5% 5%
1999 10% 5% 5% 5%
1998 5% 5% 5% 5%
Prior 5% 5% 5% 5%;
(2) For digital equipment, the following depreciation tables willapply for the following years: Year of 2004 2005 2006 2007 Acquisition Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year Tax Year
2006 65%
2005 65% 45%
2004 65% 45% 30%
2003 65% 45% 30% 20%
2002 45% 30% 20% 10%
2001 30% 20% 10% 5%
2000 20% 10% 5% 5%
1999 10% 5% 5% 5%
1998 5% 5% 5% 5%
Prior 5% 5% 5% 5%.
4. Beginning January 1, 2008, for purposes of assessing all items oftelevision broadcasting equipment that are owned and used by televisionbroadcasters for purposes of broadcasting television shows and commercials,the following depreciation tables will be used to determine their truevalue in money. The percentage shown for the first year shall be thepercentage of the original cost used for January first of the yearfollowing the year of acquisition of the property, and the percentage shownfor each succeeding year shall be the percentage of the original cost usedfor January first of the respective succeeding year as follows: Year Studio Broadcast Transmitter and BroadcastEquipment Antenna Equipment Tower 1 65% 91% 96% 2 45% 82% 93% 3 30% 73% 89% 4 20% 64% 86% 5 10% 55% 82% 6 5% 46% 79% 7 37% 75% 8 28% 72% 9 19% 68% 10 10% 65% 11 61% 12 58% 13 54% 14 51% 15 47% 16 44% 17 40% 19 33% 20 30% 21 27% 22 24% 23 21% 24 18% 25 15%.
Television broadcasting equipment in all recovery periods shall continue insubsequent years to have the depreciation percentage last listed in theappropriate column so long as it is owned or held by the taxpayer.
5. Effective January 1, 2006, for purposes of assessing all items ofradio broadcasting equipment that are owned and used by radio broadcastersfor purposes of broadcasting radio programs and commercials, the followingdepreciation tables will be used to determine their true value in money.The percentage shown for the first year shall be the percentage of theoriginal cost used for January first of the year following the year ofacquisition of the property, and the percentage shown for each succeedingyear shall be the percentage of the original cost used for January first ofthe respective succeeding year as follows: Year Studio Broadcast Transmitter and Broadcast Equipment Antenna Equipment Tower 1 65% 91% 96% 2 45% 82% 93% 3 30% 73% 89% 4 20% 64% 86% 5 10% 55% 82% 6 5% 46% 79% 7 37% 75% 8 28% 72% 9 19% 68% 10 10% 65% 11 61% 12 58% 13 54% 14 51% 15 47% 16 44% 17 40% 19 33% 20 30% 21 27% 22 24% 23 21% 24 18% 25 15%.
Radio broadcast equipment in all recovery periods shall continue insubsequent years to have the depreciation percentage last listed in theappropriate column so long as it is owned or held by the taxpayer.
(L. 2004 S.B. 1394, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with H.B. 461 merged with S.B. 210)