137.1009. 1. The form for all reports required under sections137.1000 to 137.1030 shall be prescribed and furnished by the commission.
2. If any freight line company refuses or fails to make and returnthe reports required by sections 137.1000 to 137.1030 within the timeprescribed and without an extension of time, the commission shall increaseby four percent the total assessed valuation of the distributable propertyof any such company, unless the commission, for good cause shown, waivessuch penalty.
3. Any such reports delivered by United States mail to the properofficial or officer designated shall be deemed to be received as of thepostmark date stamped on the envelope or other cover in which such reportsare mailed. In the event any report is sent by registered or certifiedmail, the date of registration or certification shall be deemed thepostmark date. No penalty shall be imposed on any company whose reportsare delivered by United States mail, if the postmark date stamped on theenvelope or other cover containing such reports falls within the prescribedperiod or on or before the prescribed date, including any extension grantedfor making the report.
4. Every railroad or street railway company operating in this stateshall file annually, on or before May first of each year, a true andaccurate statement of the main line track mileage of such company inoperation in each county of this state on December thirty-first of thepreceding year, total mileage traveled on their track by railroad cars ofthe freight line companies and other information the commission may requirefor the purpose of carrying out its duties under sections 137.1000 to137.1030. Such reports shall be made in such manner and form as prescribedby the commission.
5. In addition to the reports required by subsection 2 of thissection, each freight line company shall file a similar report at the sametime and in such manner as said commission shall prescribe showing thetotal mileage traveled on track from railroad and street railway companies,date and original cost of acquisitions and other information the commissionmay require for the purpose of carrying out its duties under sections137.1000 to 137.1030.
6. In case any freight line company shall fail to make such reportthe commission may accept the report of said railroad or street railwaycompany as correct.
(L. 1999 S.B. 219)