137.185. 1. In all cases where any person, company orcorporation may hereafter divide any tract of land into parcelsless than one-sixteenth part of a section or otherwise, in suchmanner that such parcels cannot be described in the usual mannerof describing lands in accordance with the surveys made by thegeneral government, it shall be the duty of such person, companyor corporation to cause such lands to be surveyed and a platthereof made by a surveyor in the county where such lands aresituated, which plat shall particularly describe and set forththe lots or parcels of land surveyed, as aforesaid; the lots andblocks shall be numbered in progressive numbers, and the platsshall show the number, location and quantity of land in each lot,and the description of the tract of land so divided; provided,that whenever it shall appear to the county commission of thecounty in which any such tracts are situated that tracts orparcels of land less than one-sixteenth of a section, and lyingoutside of the limits of any incorporated city, town or village,have been conveyed without having been surveyed and platted andthe plat thereof recorded as herein provided, the commission mayrequire the county surveyor, by order of record, to survey andplat such tract or tracts of land and record the plat so made,all of which shall be done at the expense of the owner of suchtracts of land at the time the survey is made.
2. And when any tracts of land lying within the limits ofany city, town or village cannot be described by lot or blocknumber, or other description given in a recorded plat, the citycouncil may have such tracts of land surveyed and platted by thecity or county surveyor, or other competent surveyor. Such platshall be given such appropriate name as will distinguish it fromall other surveys and plats, and streets included thereinappropriately named, and such plats hereafter or heretofore madeby any city, town or village shall have the full force and effectas other plats made under the provisions of this section. Saidplat shall be certified to by the surveyor and recorded in likemanner as the plats of towns are required to be certified to andrecorded. The description of real estate in any deed orconveyance, or for the purpose of taxation, in accordance withthe number and description set forth in the plat aforesaid, shallbe deemed a good and valid description of the lot or parcel oflands so described.
3. Said surveyor shall file in the office of the clerk ofthe county commission of the county, in which any such lots ortracts of land platted under the provisions of this law aresituated, his report and copy of such survey and tracts or lotsplatted under the provisions of this section, with the statementsof the costs of such survey and platting, and the recorder's feefor recording same, which shall be paid by the surveyor, with anapportionment of the same, against each tract thus surveyed andplatted, and the commission at the next term thereafter shalllevy the amount of such costs as a tax against such tracts asthus apportioned and certified to by the surveyor, and shallcause the same to be entered upon the tax books against theseveral tracts and collected as other taxes are collected. Andwhen said taxes are thus collected the county commission shallcause a warrant to be drawn for the amount of such collections tothe surveyor making said plat and cause same to be paid to himaccordingly.
(RSMo 1939 § 10988, A.L. 1945 p. 1782 § 42)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9797; 1919 § 12807; 1909 § 11389