137.230. 1. Nothing in section 137.225 shall be construedto apply to counties which have already adopted a method of platsand abstracts to facilitate the assessment and collection of therevenue; nor shall the provisions of section 137.225 apply tocounties having less population than forty thousand, unless amajority of the voters in any such county shall elect to adoptits provisions at a general election, upon the question beingordered to be submitted by the county commission.
2. In all counties the county commission may, in addition tothe foregoing provisions for securing a full and accurateassessment of all property therein liable to taxation, or in lieuthereof, by order entered of record, adopt for the whole or anydesignated part of the county any other suitable and efficientmeans or method to the same end, whether by procuring maps, platsor abstracts of titles of the lands in the county or designatedpart thereof or otherwise and may require the assessor, or anyother officer, agent or employee of the county to carry out thesame, and may provide the means for paying therefor out of thecounty treasury.
(RSMo 1939 § 10976, A.L. 1945 p. 1782 § 37, A.L. 1959 H.B. 108, A.L. 1963 p. 184 § 137.232)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9787; 1919 § 12797; 1909 § 11379