137.557. 1. As used in this section:
(1) "City" means any incorporated city, town, or village wholly orpartly within a county subject to the provisions of this section; and
(2) "Road" includes streets, bridges, and highways.
2. The county commission of any county containing all or part of a cityhaving a population of three hundred fifty thousand or more may establish a"county-urban road system" and may designate any road within the county a partof the system without regard to city or road district boundaries and withoutregard to the state highway system. Any county establishing a county-urbanroad system and any city within the county may contract, as hereinafterprovided, for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of theroads and bridges within the system, but all other services not specificallycontracted for relating to such roads shall be performed by the city withinwhich they are located.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 137.556, any countycommission establishing a county-urban road system may expend up totwenty-five percent of the amount received in the county road and bridge fund,established by section 137.555, from property located within a city upon theroads of the system which are located within the city from which derived;except that the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to anyunincorporated area or municipality actually receiving funds through a specialroad district organized under the provisions of section 233.010 or section233.170, RSMo, or any city actually receiving funds under the provisions ofsection 137.580. In the discretion of the county commission, refunds may bemade to such city from the county road and bridge fund, provided that any suchrefund shall not exceed twenty-five percent of the amount accruing to thecounty from the county's special road and bridge tax levied upon propertysituated within the limits of said city, and provided further, that any suchrefund shall be used and applied by such city exclusively in the improvementand repair of public roads, streets and bridges within the corporate limits ofsuch city and within the county making the refund, and for no other purposewhatever; or, the county, in the discretion of the county commission, mayexpend up to twenty-five percent of the moneys accruing to it from thecounty's special road and bridge tax levied upon property situated within thelimits of such city by private contract for the construction, reconstruction,improvement, repair and maintenance of roads designated a part of thecounty-urban road system lying within such city. At the discretion of thecounty commission the county may use its own equipment and employees for suchconstruction, reconstruction, improvement, repair and maintenance. Noexpenditure under this section shall be made without the consent and agreementof the city involved.
4. There is hereby established an area county-urban road system advisoryboard which shall be composed of three members appointed by the countycommission from each contiguous county establishing a county-urban roadsystem, and the county engineer of each such county shall be an ex officiomember of the board. Members of the board shall serve at the pleasure oftheir respective county commissions, and shall receive no compensation, butshall be reimbursed by their respective counties for actual and necessaryexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The board shall selectits chairman from its members, and shall meet within one week after the firstmeeting of the county commission each year, and thereafter at the call of thechairman. The area county-urban road system advisory board as a whole shallmake recommendations and suggestions to coordinate planning between thecounties and submit plans for proposed projects to the county commissions ofthe counties having such a road system.
(L. 1963 p. 185 ยง 1)