137.558. 1. As used in this section:
(1) "City" means any incorporated city, town or villagepartly or wholly within a county subject to the provisions ofthis section; and
(2) "Road" includes streets, bridges and highways.
2. Any county of the first class having a charter form ofgovernment and having a population of over nine hundred thousandinhabitants may establish a "county-arterial road system", andthe governing body of the county may designate any road withinthe county a part of the system without regard to city boundariesand without regard to the state highway system. Any countyestablishing a county-arterial road system and any city withinthe county may enter into contracts for and concerning theconstruction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of the roadsand bridges within the system, but all other services notspecifically contracted for relating to such roads shall beperformed by the city within which they are located except asprovided for in this law.
3. Refunds shall be made by the county treasurer to everycity lying wholly or partially within the county from the countyroad and bridge fund equal to one hundred percent of the amountaccruing to the county from the first eighteen cents per hundreddollars assessed valuation of the county's special road andbridge tax levied upon property situated within the limits of thecity and located in the county, provided that before any refundshall be made the city must present to the county an affidavit,executed by the mayor or chief executive of the city underauthority from the governing body of the city, that all of themoney received shall be or has been spent for the improvement andrepair of public roads, streets and bridges within the corporatelimits of the city lying within the county. Upon receipt of theaffidavit the county council shall direct the county treasurer tomake the refund according to law. If any city fails to file suchan affidavit within two years following December thirty-first ofthe year in which the tax was levied, such share shall be used bythe county for the county-arterial road system. The county shallexpend all of the revenue accruing to the county from thatportion of the county special road and bridge tax in excess ofeighteen cents per hundred dollars assessed valuation for theconstruction, reconstruction and improvement of roads designatedas part of the county-arterial road system and may expend suchrevenue on traffic regulations and controls on and repair,maintenance and control of such roads. The county council shallhave the authority to establish traffic regulations and controlson any road in the arterial road system, except that if thecounty council does establish such traffic regulations andcontrols, it shall repair, maintain and control such road. Thecounty may use its own employees and equipment for suchconstruction, reconstruction, improvement, repair, maintenanceand control, or provide for the same by contract.
(L. 1963 p. 187, A.L. 1965 p. 256, A.L. 1971 H.B. 306, A.L. 1972 S.B. 459, A.L. 1991 S.B. 34)