138.320. It shall be the duty of the state tax commission tomake out and forward to each county clerk, from time to time, forthe use of such clerks and other officers, suitable forms andinstructions for carrying this chapter into effect; and all suchinstructions shall be strictly complied with by the officers inthe performance of their respective duties, as required by thischapter. The state tax commission shall give its opinion andadvice on all questions of doubt as to the true intent andmeaning of the provisions of this chapter.
(RSMo 1939 § 11237, A.L. 1945 p. 1823)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10006; 1919 § 12996; 1909 § 11548
State tax commission to design and supply forms for first class counties, RSMo 137.335
State tax commission to provide forms and instructions to county clerks in township organization counties, RSMo 137.480