138.434. Any first class charter county or a city notwithin a county may require by ordinance or charter thereimbursement to a taxpayer for the amount of just and reasonableappraisal costs, attorney fees and court costs resulting from anevidentiary hearing before the state tax commission or a court ofcompetent jurisdiction if such appeal results in a final decisionreducing the appraised value of residential property by at leastfifteen percent or the appraised value of utility, industrialrailroad and other subclass three property by at leasttwenty-five percent from the appraised value determined by theboard of equalization for that tax year. The commission or courtawarding such fees and costs shall consider the reasonableness ofthe fees and costs within the context of the particular case.Such fees and costs shall not exceed one thousand dollars for aresidential property appeal. Such fees and costs for utility,industrial railroad or other subclass three property appealsshall not exceed the lesser of four thousand dollars ortwenty-five percent of the tax savings resulting from the appeal.The provisions of this section shall only apply to the firstcontested year when cases are tried on a consolidated basis.
(L. 1993 H.B. 541, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1115 merged with S.B. 662 & 459)