140.230. 1. When real estate has been sold for taxes or other debtby the sheriff or collector of any county within the state of Missouri, andthe same sells for a greater amount than the debt or taxes and all costs inthe case it shall be the duty of the sheriff or collector of the county,when such sale has been or may hereafter be made, to make a writtenstatement describing each parcel or tract of land sold by him for a greateramount than the debt or taxes and all costs in the case together with theamount of surplus money in each case. The statement shall be subscribedand sworn to by the sheriff or collector making it before some officercompetent to administer oaths within this state, and then presented to thecounty commission of the county where the sale has been or may be made; andon the approval of the statement by the commission, the sheriff orcollector making the same shall pay the surplus money into the countytreasury, take the receipt in duplicate of the treasurer for the overplusof money and retain one of the duplicate receipts himself and file theother with the county commission, and thereupon the commission shall chargethe treasurer with the amount.
2. The treasurer shall place such moneys to the credit of the schoolfund of the county, to be held in trust for the term of three years for theowner or owners or their legal representatives. At the end of three years,if such fund shall not be called for, then it shall become a permanentschool fund of the county.
3. County commissions shall compel owners or agents to makesatisfactory proof of their claims before receiving their money; provided,that no county shall pay interest to the claimant of any such fund.
(RSMo 1939 § 11159, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1284, A.L. 2003 S.B. 295)Prior revisions: 1929 § 9959; 1919 § 12949; 1909 § 11502