140.270. If any trustee, who is provided for in section140.260, shall die, or has died, shall become, or has becomementally disabled from performing the duties of trustee, shallremove, or has removed out of this state, shall neglect orrefuse, or has neglected or refused to act as such trustee, orshall or has become unable, by sickness or other disability, toperform or execute his trust, it shall be lawful for the countycommission of any county, and the comptroller, mayor andpresident of the board of assessors of the city of St. Louis todesignate and appoint a suitable person or persons as asubstitute or successor trustee, which appointment shall be inwriting and recorded in the office of the county clerk andrecorder of deeds, with discretionary authority to bid at allsales to which section 140.250 is applicable, and to purchase atsuch sales all lands or lots necessary to protect all taxes dueand owing to prevent any loss to the taxing authorities involved,from inadequate bids, and to perform any and all acts, subject tothe same liability and to be paid the same fees provided for thetrustee in section 140.260.
(L. 1943 p. 1065 ยง 11131a, A.L. 1983 S.B. 44 & 45)