140.310. 1. The purchaser of any tract or lot of land atsale for delinquent taxes, homesteads excepted, shall at any timeafter one year from the date of sale be entitled to the immediatepossession of the premises so purchased during the redemptionperiod provided for in this law, unless sooner redeemed;provided, however, any owner or occupant of any tract or lot ofland purchased may retain possession of said premises by making awritten assignment of, or agreement to pay, rent certain orestimated to accrue during such redemption period or so muchthereof as shall be sufficient to discharge the bid of thepurchaser with interest thereon as provided in the certificate ofpurchase.
2. The purchaser, his heirs or assigns, may enforce hisrights under said written assignment or agreement in any mannernow authorized or hereafter authorized by law for the collectionof delinquent and unpaid rent; provided further, nothing hereincontained shall operate to the prejudice of any owner not indefault and whose interest in the tract or lot of land is notencumbered by the certificate of purchase, nor shall it prejudicethe rights of any occupant of any tract or lot of land not liableto pay taxes thereon nor such occupant's interest in any planted,growing or unharvested crop thereon.
3. Any additions or improvements made to any tract or lot ofland by any occupant thereof, as tenant or otherwise, and madeprior to such tax sale, which such occupant would be permitted todetach and remove from the land under his contract of occupancyshall also, to the same extent, be removable against thepurchaser, his heirs or assigns.
4. Any rent collected by the purchaser, his heirs orassigns, shall operate as a payment upon the amount due theholder of such certificate of purchase, and such amount oramounts, together with the date paid and by whom shall beendorsed as a credit upon said certificate, and which said sumsshall be taken into consideration in the redemption of such land,as provided for in this chapter.
5. Any purchaser, heirs or assigns, in possession within theperiod of redemption against whom rights of redemption areexercised shall be protected in the value of any planted, growingand/or unharvested crop on the lands redeemed in the same manneras such purchaser, heirs or assigns would be protected invaluable and lasting improvements made upon said lands after theperiod of redemption and referred to in section 140.360.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 11135)