140.440. Every holder of a certificate of purchase shall before beingentitled to apply for deed to any tract or lot of land described thereinpay all taxes that have accrued thereon since the issuance of saidcertificate, or any prior taxes that may remain due and unpaid on saidproperty, and the lien for which was not foreclosed by sale under whichsuch holder makes demand for deed, and any purchaser that shall suffer asubsequent tax to become delinquent, such first purchaser shall forfeit allliens on such lands so purchased. Said holder of a certificate of purchasepermitting a subsequent certificate to issue on the same property shall, onnotice from the county collector, surrender said certificate of purchaseimmediately to the county collector. Upon surrender of such certificate ofpurchase any surplus moneys paid by the first holder of the certificate ofpurchase and remaining unclaimed pursuant to section 140.230 shall be paidwithout interest to such holder of the certificate.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 11152, A.L. 2003 S.B. 295)