141.070. 1. Hereafter, in any county of the first class inthis state where the collector of the revenue of the county isrequired by law to enforce the lien of the state for back taxesby suit against real estate charged with the lien, except incounties of the first class not having a charter form ofgovernment, the collector may employ some competent and reliableabstracter of his county to prepare memoranda of abstract tolands described in the tax bills to be furnished by the collectorshowing all conveyances, liens and charges against the realestate, as shown by the records of the county, which shall beduly certified to by the abstracter. The abstracts or memorandawhen prepared and certified as herein specified shall bedelivered to the tax attorney employed to bring the suits and heshall file them with the petition in the case, and they shallbecome the property of the purchaser at the tax sale.
2. For preparing the abstracts or memoranda of titlereferred to in this section, the abstracter shall receive ascompensation therefor a sum not to exceed ten dollars for eachabstract or memorandum furnished. The charges shall be taxed ascosts and shall be paid as other costs in the case.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 11199, 11200, A.L. 1945 p. 1946 §§ 11393, 11394, A.L. 1963 p. 188, A.L. 1973 H.B. 654)