141.290. 1. The collector shall compile lists of all state,county, school, and other tax bills collectible by him which aredelinquent according to his records and he shall combine suchlists with the list filed by any taxing authority or tax billowner.
2. The collector shall assign a serial number to each parcelof real estate in each list and if suit has been filed in thecircuit court of the county on any delinquent tax bill includedin any list, the collector shall give the court docket number ofsuch suit and some appropriate designation of the place wheresuch suit is pending, and such pending suit so listed in anypetition filed pursuant to the provisions of sections 141.210 to141.810 shall, without further procedure or court order, bedeemed to be consolidated with the suit brought under sections141.210 to 141.810, and such pending suit shall thereupon beabated.
3. The collector shall deliver such combined lists to thedelinquent land tax attorney from time to time but not later thanApril the first of each year.
4. The delinquent land tax attorney shall incorporate suchlists in petitions in the form prescribed in section 141.410, andshall file such petitions with the circuit clerk not later thanJune first of each year.
(L. 1943 p. 1029 ยง 8, A.L. 1945 p. 1761, A. 1949 S.B. 1024)