141.720. 1. The land trust shall be composed of three members, oneof whom shall be appointed by the county executive, or if the county doesnot have a county executive, the county commission of the county, one ofwhom shall be appointed by the city council of that city in the countywhich then has the largest population according to the last precedingfederal decennial census, and one of whom shall be appointed by the boardof directors of the school district which then has the largest populationaccording to such census in the county.
2. The terms of office of the land trustees shall be for four yearseach, except the terms of the first land trustees who shall be appointed bythe foregoing appointing authorities, respectively, not sooner than twelvemonths and not later than eighteen months after sections 141.210 to 141.810take effect.
3. Each land trustee shall have been a resident of the county for atleast five years next prior to appointment, shall not hold other salariedor compensated public office by election or appointment during service asland trustee, the duties of which would in any way conflict with his dutiesas land trustee, and shall have had at least ten years experience in themanagement or sale of real estate.
4. Of the first land trustees appointed under sections 141.210 to141.810, the land trustee appointed by the county commission shall servefor a term ending February 1, 1946, the land trustee appointed by the boardof directors of the school district then having the largest population inthe county shall serve for a term expiring February 1, 1947, and the landtrustee appointed by the city council of the city then having the largestpopulation in the county shall serve for a term expiring February 1, 1948.Each land trustee shall serve until his successor has been appointed andqualified.
5. Any vacancy in the office of land trustee shall be filled for theunexpired term by the same appointing authority which made the originalappointment. If any appointing authority fails to make any appointment ofa land trustee within the time the first appointments are required bysections 141.210 to 141.810 to be made, or within thirty days after anyterm expires or vacancy occurs, then the appointment shall be made by themayor of that city in the county then having the largest population,according to the last preceding federal decennial census.
6. The members shall receive for their services as land trustees asalary of two thousand four hundred dollars per year.
7. Each land trustee may be removed for cause by the respectiveappointing authority, after public hearing, if requested by the landtrustee, and an opportunity to be represented by counsel and to presentevidence is afforded the trustee.
(L. 1943 p. 1029 ยง 37, A.L. 1963 p. 189, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1634)