141.730. 1. Such land trustees shall meet immediately after all threehave been appointed and qualified and shall select a chairman, a vicechairman, a secretary, and an assistant secretary, who need not be a trustee.
2. Such trustees shall each furnish a surety bond in a penal sum not toexceed twenty-five thousand dollars to be approved by the collector, thepremium on such bond to be advanced by the collector out of the county funds.Such bond must be issued by a surety company licensed to do business in thestate of Missouri, which bond shall be deposited with the county clerk of suchcounty, and shall be conditioned to guarantee the faithful performance oftheir duties hereunder, and shall be written to cover all the trustees.
3. Before entering upon the duties of his office, each trustee shalltake and subscribe to the following oath: State of Missouri,) )
ss County of) ........
I, ...., do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of theUnited States and the Constitution of the State of Missouri; that I willfaithfully and impartially discharge my duties as a member of the Land Trustof .... County, Missouri; that I will, according to my best knowledge andjudgment, administer such tax delinquent lands held by me in trust, accordingto the laws of this state and for the benefit of the public bodies and the taxbill owners which I represent, so help me God.
............... Subscribedand sworn to this ............ day of ........, 20.... My commission expires: .........................................
Notary Public
(L. 1943 p. 1029 ยง 38)