142.830. 1. It is unlawful for any person to act as an interstatemotor fuel user without being licensed as such unless the motor fuel useris licensed under a reciprocity agreement. However, as to a motor vehicleoperated in this state in the course of interstate traffic by an unlicensedinterstate motor fuel user, a single trip motor fuel tax permit authorizingoperation of such vehicle for a single trip through the state, or from apoint on the border of this state to a point within and return to theborder may be issued upon proper application and in a manner prescribed bythe director. Any person found to have not purchased a trip permit when sorequired shall immediately purchase such permit. The fee for each permitshall be ten dollars, and the permit shall be valid for a period ofseventy-two hours. Permits shall be made available at official highwayweigh stations.
2. A single trip permit shall be issued for each vehicle for whichapplication is made, and the application fee for such permit shall applyonly to the vehicle for which the permit is issued. A trip permit shallnot be issued to anyone whose license is currently in a revoked status.Evidence of the issuance of such trip permit or in the alternative thepayment and civil penalty thereof shall be furnished to the director, hisagents, appointees or any officer of the Missouri state highway patrol upondemand.
(L. 1998 S.B. 619)Effective 1-1-99