142.842. 1. The tax imposed by section 142.803, measured by motorfuel removed from a terminal or refinery in this state, other than aterminal bulk transfer, shall be precollected and remitted on behalf of theconsumers to the state by the person removing the motor fuel from thefacility through the supplier of the motor fuel, as shown in the records ofthe terminal operator, acting as a trustee.
2. The supplier and each reseller shall list the amount of tax as aseparate line item on all invoices or billings.
3. All tax to be paid by a supplier with respect to gallons removedon the account of the supplier during a calendar month shall be due andpayable on or before the second day of the second succeeding month unlesssuch day falls upon a weekend or state holiday in which case the liabilitywould be due the next succeeding business day.
4. A supplier shall remit any late taxes remitted to the supplier byan eligible purchaser and shall timely notify the director of any lateremittances if that supplier has previously given notice to the directorthat the tax amount was not received pursuant to subsection 1 of section142.857.
5. The remittance of all amounts of tax due shall be paid on thebasis of the amount invoiced to eligible purchasers or ninety-seven percentfor gasoline, gasoline blends and gasoline blend stocks and ninety-eightpercent for diesel fuel, diesel blends and diesel blend stocks when thesupplier removed the motor fuel for its own account or on sales tononeligible purchasers. At the director's discretion, payment may be madeby electronic funds transfer.
(L. 1998 S.B. 619)Effective 1-1-99