142.941. 1. The director, his agents or appointees, includingfederal government employees or persons operating under contract with thisstate, upon presenting appropriate credentials may conduct inspections andremove samples of fuel to determine the coloration of diesel fuel, or toidentify shipping paper violations at any place where motor fuel is or maybe produced, stored or loaded into transport vehicles. Inspections shallbe performed in a reasonable manner consistent with the circumstances, butin no event is prior notice required. Inspectors may physically inspect,examine or otherwise search any tank, reservoir, or other container thatcan or might be used for the production, storage, or transportation offuel. Inspections may be made of any equipment used for, or in connectionwith, the production, storage, or transportation of fuel. Upon demand bythe inspectors all shipping papers, documents and records required to bekept by a person transporting fuel shall be produced for immediateinspection. The places where inspections may occur include, but are notlimited to:
(1) A terminal;
(2) A fuel storage facility that is not a terminal;
(3) A retail fuel facility;
(4) Highway rest stops; or
(5) A designated inspection site.
For purposes of this section, a "designated inspection site" means anystate highway or waterway inspection station, weigh station, agriculturalinspection station, mobile station, or other location designated by thedirector, either fixed or mobile.
2. Inspections to determine violations under this chapter may beconducted by the agents and appointees of the director, the Missouridepartment of public safety, the Missouri department of agriculture, andmotor carrier inspectors in this state in addition to their dutiesotherwise defined, and any other law enforcement officer through proceduresestablished by the director. Agents and appointees of the director havethe same power and authority provided to authorized personnel under theapplicable statute.
3. Inspectors may reasonably detain any person or equipmenttransporting fuel in or through this state for the purpose of determiningwhether the person is operating in compliance with the provisions of thischapter and any rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter.Detainment may continue for such time only as is necessary to determinewhether the person is in compliance.
(L. 1998 S.B. 619)Effective 1-1-99