160.055. 1. Notwithstanding any provisions of sections 160.051 and160.053, to the contrary, beginning with the 1997-98 school year, all urbanschool districts containing the greater part of the population of a citywhich has more than three hundred thousand inhabitants, except as providedin subsection 2 of this section, may establish and enforce a regulationwhich requires that a child shall have attained the age of five forpurposes of kindergarten and summer school prior to a kindergarten schoolterm, and the age of six for purposes of grade one, on or before any datebetween August first and October first of that year. The school districtshall receive state aid for any child admitted to kindergarten, summerschool prior to kindergarten, or grade one pursuant to this section,notwithstanding the provisions of section 160.051.
2. Any kindergarten or grade one pupil beginning the school term andany pupil beginning summer school prior to a kindergarten school term in anurban school district in this state containing the greater part of thepopulation of a city which has more than three hundred thousand inhabitantsand subsequently transferring to another school district in this state inwhich the child's birth date would preclude such child's eligibility forentrance shall be deemed eligible for attendance and shall not be requiredto meet the minimum age requirements. The receiving school district shallreceive state aid for the child, notwithstanding the provisions of section160.051.
3. Any child who completes the kindergarten year in an urban schooldistrict containing the greater part of the population of a city which hasmore than three hundred thousand inhabitants shall not be required to meetthe minimum age requirements of another school district in this state forentrance into grade one.
4. The provisions of subsections 1 and 2 of this section, relating tokindergarten instruction and state aid therefor, shall not apply during anyparticular school year to those districts which do not provide kindergartenclasses that year.
(L. 1996 S.B. 572 ยง 2, A.L. 1999 H.B. 889)