160.263. 1. The school discipline policy under section 160.261 shallprohibit confining a student in an unattended, locked space except for anemergency situation while awaiting the arrival of law enforcementpersonnel.
2. By July 1, 2011, the local board of education of each schooldistrict shall adopt a written policy that comprehensively addresses theuse of restrictive behavioral interventions as a form of discipline orbehavior management technique. The policy shall be consistent withprofessionally accepted practices and standards of student discipline,behavior management, health and safety, including the safe schools act.The policy shall include but not be limited to:
(1) Definitions of restraint, seclusion, and time-out and any otherterminology necessary to describe the continuum of restrictive behavioralinterventions available for use or prohibited in the district;
(2) Description of circumstances under which a restrictive behavioralintervention is allowed and prohibited and any unique applicationrequirements for specific groups of students such as differences based onage, disability, or environment in which the educational services areprovided;
(3) Specific implementation requirements associated with arestrictive behavioral intervention such as time limits, facilityspecifications, training requirements or supervision requirements; and
(4) Documentation, notice and permission requirements associated withuse of a restrictive behavioral intervention.
3. The department of elementary and secondary education shall, incooperation with appropriate associations, organizations, agencies andindividuals with specialized expertise in behavior management, develop amodel policy that satisfies the requirements of subsection 2 of thissection by July 1, 2010.
(L. 2009 S.B. 291)