160.276. 1. Within the limits of amounts appropriatedtherefor, the department of elementary and secondary educationshall make one-year, nonrenewable scholarships in an amount ofone thousand dollars available to high school graduates andjunior and community college students who are residents ofMissouri, who enter and make a commitment to pursue a teachereducation program approved by the department of elementary andsecondary education and offered by a four-year college oruniversity located in Missouri, and who have:
(1) Achieved scores on an accepted standardized test ofacademic ability, including, but not limited to, the SAT, ACT,SCAT, which place them at or above the eighty-fifth percentile;or
(2) A high school rank at or above the eighty-fifthpercentile.
2. Any college or university located in Missouri whichoffers a teacher education program approved by the department ofelementary and secondary education, and wishes to have thescholarships provided pursuant to this section made available toeligible applicants for admittance to such college or university,must provide matching funds to match, dollar for dollar, thefunds made available by the state under this section for studentsattending the college or university. Such matching funds shallnot be taken from money made available to the college oruniversity from state funds. The total scholarship available toany one student from state and from college and universitysources under such match program shall be two thousand dollars.
(L. 1985 H.B. 463 ยง 9 subsecs. 1, 2)