160.518. 1. Consistent with the provisions contained in section160.526, the state board of education shall develop a statewide assessmentsystem that provides maximum flexibility for local school districts todetermine the degree to which students in the public schools of the stateare proficient in the knowledge, skills, and competencies adopted by suchboard pursuant to subsection 1 of section 160.514. The statewideassessment system shall assess problem solving, analytical ability,evaluation, creativity, and application ability in the different contentareas and shall be performance-based to identify what students know, aswell as what they are able to do, and shall enable teachers to evaluateactual academic performance. The assessment system shall neither promotenor prohibit rote memorization and shall not include existing versions oftests approved for use pursuant to the provisions of section 160.257, norenhanced versions of such tests. The statewide assessment shall measure,where appropriate by grade level, a student's knowledge of academicsubjects including, but not limited to, reading skills, writing skills,mathematics skills, world and American history, forms of government,geography and science.
2. The assessment system shall only permit the academic performanceof students in each school in the state to be tracked against prioracademic performance in the same school.
3. The state board of education shall suggest criteria for a schoolto demonstrate that its students learn the knowledge, skills andcompetencies at exemplary levels worthy of imitation by students in otherschools in the state and nation. Exemplary levels shall be measured by theassessment system developed pursuant to subsection 1 of this section, oruntil said assessment is available, by indicators approved for such use bythe state board of education. The provisions of other law to the contrarynotwithstanding, the commissioner of education may, upon request of theschool district, present a plan for the waiver of rules and regulations toany such school, to be known as "Outstanding Schools Waivers", consistentwith the provisions of subsection 4 of this section.
4. For any school that meets the criteria established by the stateboard of education for three successive school years pursuant to theprovisions of subsection 3 of this section, by August first following thethird such school year, the commissioner of education shall present a planto the superintendent of the school district in which such school islocated for the waiver of rules and regulations to promote flexibility inthe operations of the school and to enhance and encourage efficiency in thedelivery of instructional services. The provisions of other law to thecontrary notwithstanding, the plan presented to the superintendent shallprovide a summary waiver, with no conditions, for the pupil testingrequirements pursuant to section 160.257, in the school. Further, theprovisions of other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the plan shalldetail a means for the waiver of requirements otherwise imposed on theschool related to the authority of the state board of education to classifyschool districts pursuant to subdivision (9) of section 161.092, RSMo, andsuch other rules and regulations as determined by the commissioner ofeducation, excepting such waivers shall be confined to the school and notother schools in the district unless such other schools meet the criteriaestablished by the state board of education consistent with subsection 3 ofthis section and the waivers shall not include the requirements containedin this section and section 160.514. Any waiver provided to any school asoutlined in this subsection shall be void on June thirtieth of any schoolyear in which the school fails to meet the criteria established by thestate board of education consistent with subsection 3 of this section.
5. The score on any assessment test developed pursuant to thissection or this chapter of any student for whom English is a secondlanguage shall not be counted until such time as such student has beeneducated for three full school years in a school in this state, or in anyother state, in which English is the primary language.
6. The state board of education shall identify or, if necessary,establish one or more developmentally appropriate alternate assessments forstudents who receive special educational services, as that term is definedpursuant to section 162.675, RSMo. In the development of such alternateassessments, the state board shall establish an advisory panel consistingof a majority of active special education teachers and other educationprofessionals as appropriate to research available assessment options. Theadvisory panel shall attempt to identify preexisting developmentallyappropriate alternate assessments but shall, if necessary, developalternate assessments and recommend one or more alternate assessments foradoption by the state board. The state board shall consider therecommendations of the advisory council in establishing such alternateassessment or assessments. Any student who receives special educationalservices, as that term is defined pursuant to section 162.675, RSMo, shallbe assessed by an alternate assessment established pursuant to thissubsection upon a determination by the student's individualized educationprogram team that such alternate assessment is more appropriate to assessthe student's knowledge, skills and competencies than the assessmentdeveloped pursuant to subsection 1 of this section. The alternateassessment shall evaluate the student's independent living skills, whichinclude how effectively the student addresses common life demands and howwell the student meets standards for personal independence expected forsomeone in the student's age group, sociocultural background, and communitysetting.
7. The state board of education shall also develop recommendationsregarding alternate assessments for any military dependent who relocates toMissouri after the commencement of a school term, in order to accommodatesuch student while ensuring that he or she is proficient in the knowledge,skills, and competencies adopted under section 160.514.
8. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections 1 to 7 of thissection, no later than June 30, 2006, the state board of education shalladminister the following adjustments to the statewide assessment system:
(1) Align the performance standards of the statewide assessmentsystem so that such indicators meet, but do not exceed, the performancestandards of the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) exam;
(2) Institute yearly examination of students in the required subjectareas where compelled by existing federal standards, as of August 28, 2004;and
(3) Administer any other adjustments that the state board ofeducation deems necessary in order to aid the state in satisfying existingfederal requirements, as of August 28, 2004, including, but not limited to,the requirements contained in the federal No Child Left Behind Act.Grade-level expectations shall be considered when the state board ofeducation establishes performance standards.
9. By July 1, 2006, the state board of education shall examine itsrules and regulations and revise them to permit waivers of resource andprocess standards based upon achievement of performance profiles consistentwith accreditation status.
(L. 1993 S.B. 380 ยง 4, A.L. 2001 S.B. 319, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1711, A.L. 2004 S.B. 1080, A.L. 2008 H.B. 1678)CROSS REFERENCE:
District policy on student participation, prohibited uses of results, RSMo 160.570