160.522. 1. The department of elementary and secondary educationshall produce or cause to be produced, at least annually, a schoolaccountability report card for each public school district, each publicschool building in a school district, and each charter school in the state.The report card shall be designed to satisfy state and federal requirementsfor the disclosure of statistics about students, staff, finances, academicachievement, and other indicators. The purpose of the report card shall beto provide educational statistics and accountability information forparents, taxpayers, school personnel, legislators, and the print andbroadcast news media in a standardized, easily accessible form.
2. The department of elementary and secondary education shall developa standard form for the school accountability report card. The informationreported shall include, but not be limited to, the district's most recentaccreditation rating, enrollment, rates of pupil attendance, high schooldropout rate and graduation rate, the number and rate of suspensions of tendays or longer and expulsions of pupils, the district ratio of students toadministrators and students to classroom teachers, the average years ofexperience of professional staff and advanced degrees earned, studentachievement as measured through the assessment system developed pursuant tosection 160.518, student scores on the ACT, along with the percentage ofgraduates taking the test, average teachers' and administrators' salariescompared to the state averages, average per pupil current expenditures forthe district as a whole and by attendance center as reported to thedepartment of elementary and secondary education, the adjusted tax rate ofthe district, assessed valuation of the district, percent of the districtoperating budget received from state, federal, and local sources, thepercent of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, data on thepercent of students continuing their education in postsecondary programs,and information about the job placement rate for students who completedistrict vocational education programs.
3. The report card shall permit the disclosure of data on aschool-by-school basis, but the reporting shall not be personallyidentifiable to any student or education professional in the state.
4. The report card shall identify each school or attendance centerthat has been identified as a priority school under sections 160.720 and161.092, RSMo. The report also shall identify attendance centers that havebeen categorized under federal law as needing improvement or requiringspecific school improvement strategies.
5. The report card shall not limit or discourage other methods ofpublic reporting and accountability by local school districts. Districtsshall provide information included in the report card to parents, communitymembers, the print and broadcast news media, and legislators by Decemberfirst annually or as soon thereafter as the information is available to thedistrict, giving preference to methods that incorporate the reporting intosubstantive official communications such as student report cards. Theschool district shall provide a printed copy of the district-level orschool-level report card to any patron upon request and shall makereasonable efforts to supply businesses such as, but not limited to, realestate and employment firms with copies or other information about thereports so that parents and businesses from outside the district who may becontemplating relocation have access.
(L. 1993 S.B. 380 ยง 5, A.L. 1997 H.B. 641 & 593, A.L. 2000 S.B. 944, A.L. 2001 H.B. 865 merged with S.B. 575, A.L. 2005 H.B. 297)