160.530. 1. Beginning with fiscal year 1994 and for all fiscal yearsthereafter, in order to be eligible for state aid distributed pursuant tosection 163.031, RSMo, a school district shall allocate one percent ofmoneys received pursuant to section 163.031, RSMo, exclusive of categoricaladd-ons, to the professional development committee of the district asestablished in subdivision (1) of subsection 4 of section 168.400, RSMo.Of the moneys allocated to the professional development committee in anyfiscal year as specified by this subsection, seventy-five percent of suchfunds shall be spent in the same fiscal year for purposes determined by theprofessional development committee after consultation with theadministrators of the school district and approved by the local board ofeducation as meeting the objectives of a school improvement plan of thedistrict that has been developed by the local board. Moneys expended forstaff training pursuant to any provisions of this act shall not beconsidered in determining the requirements for school districts imposed bythis subsection.
2. Beginning with fiscal year 1994 and for all fiscal yearsthereafter, eighteen million dollars shall be distributed by thecommissioner of education to address statewide areas of critical need forlearning and development, provided that such disbursements are approved bythe joint committee on education as provided in subsection 5 of thissection, and as determined by rule and regulation of the state board ofeducation with the advice of the commission established by section 160.510*and the advisory council provided by subsection 1 of section 168.015, RSMo.The moneys described in this subsection may be distributed by thecommissioner of education to colleges, universities, private associations,professional education associations, statewide associations organized forthe benefit of members of boards of education, public elementary andsecondary schools, and other associations and organizations that provideprofessional development opportunities for teachers, administrators, familyliteracy personnel and boards of education for the purpose of addressingstatewide areas of critical need, provided that subdivisions (1), (2) and(3) of this subsection shall constitute priority uses for such moneys."Statewide areas of critical need for learning and development" shallinclude:
(1) Funding the operation of state management teams in districts withacademically deficient schools and providing resources specified by themanagement team as needed in such districts;
(2) Funding for grants to districts, upon application to thedepartment of elementary and secondary education, for resources identifiedas necessary by the district, for those districts which are failing toachieve assessment standards;
(3) Funding for family literacy programs;
(4) Ensuring that all children, especially children at risk, childrenwith special needs, and gifted students are successful in school;
(5) Increasing parental involvement in the education of theirchildren;
(6) Providing information which will assist public schooladministrators and teachers in understanding the process of site-baseddecision making;
(7) Implementing recommended curriculum frameworks as outlined insection 160.514;
(8) Training in new assessment techniques for students;
(9) Cooperating with law enforcement authorities to expand successfulantidrug programs for students;
(10) Strengthening existing curricula of local school districts tostress drug and alcohol prevention;
(11) Implementing and promoting programs to combat gang activity inurban areas of the state;
(12) Establishing family schools, whereby such schools adopt provenmodels of one-stop state services for children and families;
(13) Expanding adult literacy services; and
(14) Training of members of boards of education in the areas deemedimportant for the training of effective board members as determined by thestate board of education.
3. Beginning with fiscal year 1994 and for all fiscal yearsthereafter, two million dollars of the moneys appropriated to thedepartment of elementary and secondary education otherwise distributed tothe public schools of the state pursuant to the provisions of section163.031, RSMo, exclusive of categorical add-ons, shall be distributed ingrant awards by the state board of education, by rule and regulation, forthe "Success Leads to Success" grant program, which is hereby created. Thepurpose of the success leads to success grant program shall be torecognize, disseminate and exchange information about the best professionalteaching practices and programs in the state that address student needs,and to encourage the staffs of schools with these practices and programs todevelop school-to-school networks to share these practices and programs.
4. The department shall include a listing of all expenditures underthis section in the annual budget documentation presented to the governorand general assembly.
5. Prior to distributing any funds under subsection 2 of thissection, the commissioner of education shall appear before the jointcommittee on education and present a proposed delineation of the programsto be funded under the provisions of subsection 2 of this section. Thejoint committee shall review all proposed spending under subsection 2 ofthis section and shall affirm, by a majority vote of all members serving onthe committee, the spending proposal of the commissioner prior to anydisbursement of funds under subsection 2 of this section.
6. If any provision of subdivision (11) of subsection 4 of section160.254 or any provision of subsection 2 or 5 of this section regardingapproval of disbursements by the joint committee on education is** held tobe invalid for any reason, then such decision shall invalidate subsection 2of this section in its entirety.
(L. 1993 S.B. 380 ยง 7, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1711, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287, A.L. 2008 S.B. 1066)*Section 160.510 was repealed by S.B. 613, Revision, 2007.
**Word "are" appears in original rolls.