160.539. 1. The "School Flex Program" is established to alloweligible students to pursue a timely graduation from high school. The term"eligible students" includes students in grades eleven or twelve who havebeen identified by the student's principal and the student's parent orguardian to benefit by participating in the school flex program.
2. An eligible student who participates in a school flex programshall:
(1) Attend school a minimum of two instructional hours per school daywithin the district of residence;
(2) Pursue a timely graduation;
(3) Provide evidence of college or technical career educationenrollment and attendance, or proof of employment and labor that is alignedwith the student's career academic plan which has been developed by theschool district;
(4) Refrain from being expelled or suspended while participating in aschool flex program;
(5) Pursue course and credit requirements for a diploma; and
(6) Maintain a ninety-five percent attendance rate.
3. Eligible students participating in the school flex program shallbe considered full-time students of the school district and shall becounted in the school's average daily attendance for state basic aidpurposes.
4. School districts participating in the school flex program shallsubmit, on forms provided by the department of elementary and secondaryeducation, an annual report to the department which shall includeinformation required by the department, including but not limited tostudent participation, drop-out, and graduation rates for studentsparticipating in the program. The department shall annually report to thejoint committee on education under section 160.254 on the effectiveness ofthe program.
(L. 2009 S.B. 291)