160.540. 1. In any school district whose graduation rate, as definedin section 160.011, is below sixty-five percent, the district school boardshall determine which schools in the district meet the criteria set forthpursuant to section 160.538 as being academically deficient, based on theresults of the assessment system developed pursuant to section 160.518,whether or not the state board of education has made a finding that theschools are academically deficient. With respect to any such school,notwithstanding any provision of state law or regulation, district rule orregulation, or contract, the school district board shall have the authorityto suspend or terminate contracts of certificated staff, the principal andany administrators having responsibility for the school and to reconstitutethe school with new teachers and administrative staff. The authoritygranted herein shall not preclude the district board from offeringcontracts to individual teachers or administrators as the board may deemappropriate. Any termination of a contract of an individual permanentteacher pursuant to this section shall be subject to the procedures ofsections 168.114 to 168.120, RSMo, or section 168.221, RSMo, whichever isapplicable to such contract.
2. In any school district subject to the provisions of subsection 1of this section, the district shall develop a program of incentives andrewards for teachers who contribute to a successful effort to preventschools from becoming academically deficient as defined in this section orto remove schools that have been so identified from that category. Thedistrict's plan shall be subject to approval by the commissioner ofeducation and may include, but shall not be limited to, bonuses,opportunities for staff development and the granting of status as masterteachers.
(L. 1998 S.B. 781)