160.905. 1. The lead agency shall establish a "State InteragencyCoordinating Council" for the state Part C early intervention system. Thecomposition of the council shall include the members required under Part Cof the IDEA consistent with federal regulations, 34 C.F.R. 303.601,appointed by the governor.
2. The state interagency coordinating council shall meet at leastquarterly and shall comply with chapter 610, RSMo.
3. The state interagency coordinating council shall advise and assistthe lead agency pursuant to IDEA requirements, 34 C.F.R. 303.650 to303.654.
4. The state interagency coordinating council shall assist the leadagency in the preparation and submission of an annual report to thegovernor and to the secretary of the United States Department of Educationon the status of infant and toddler early intervention programs in thestate and report any recommendations for improvements to such programs.
5. The lead agency, in consultation with any other state agenciesinvolved in the Part C early intervention system, shall submit rules andregulations, other than emergency rules and regulations, to the council forreview prior to the lead agency's final approval. The council shall reviewall proposed rules and regulations and report its recommendations thereonto the lead agency within thirty days. The lead agency shall respond tothe council's recommendations providing reasons for proposed rules andregulations that are not consistent with the council's recommendations.
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 23.253, RSMo, to thecontrary, the provisions of this section shall not sunset.
(L. 2005 S.B. 500, A.L. 2007 S.B. 112)