160.915. 1. Each regional office shall include in their proposal thefollowing assurances and documentation of their plan to:
(1) Provide those functions that are specifically identified underfederal and state regulations implementing Part C of IDEA, 20 U.S.C.Section 1431, as functions to be provided at public expense, with no costto the parent;
(2) Contract with established community early intervention providersor hire providers as geographic necessity requires to ensure all servicesare available and accessible within the region;
(3) Implement a system of provider oversight to ensure:
(a) That all services are available and accessible within that regionincluding the use of providers hired by the regional office wheregeographic necessity requires this practice; and
(b) Compliance by all providers in the regional office's providernetwork, including but not limited to upholding the requirements of Part Cof IDEA;
(4) Include in each child's individual family service planfamily-oriented approaches to support the child's developmental goals;
(5) Incorporate as the focus of the individualized family serviceplan best available practices and coaching approaches that support thefamily's capacity to meet the developmental needs of their child;
(6) Develop or maintain resources or utilize multiple funding sourcesfor providing early intervention services for children with disabilities inthe region for which they are bidding; and
(7) Implement a system for reutilization of assistive technologydevices and oversight of assistive technology authorizations.
2. The lead agency may determine other assurances and requestadditional documentation they deem to be necessary and reasonable toachieve the purpose of this section and to comply with applicable federallaw and regulation.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 23.253, RSMo, to thecontrary, the provisions of this section shall not sunset.
(L. 2005 S.B. 500, A.L. 2007 S.B. 112)