161.097. 1. The state board of education shall establishstandards and procedures by which it will evaluate all teachertraining institutions in this state for the approval of teachereducation programs. The state board of education shall notrequire teacher training institutions to meet national orregional accreditation as a part of its standards and proceduresin making those evaluations, but it may accept suchaccreditations in lieu of such approval if standards andprocedures set thereby are at least as stringent as those set bythe board. The state board of education's standards andprocedures for evaluating teacher training institutions shallequal or exceed those of national or regional accreditingassociations.
2. Upon approval by the state board of education of theteacher education program at a particular teacher traininginstitution, any person who graduates from that program, and whomeets other requirements which the state board of education shallprescribe by rule, regulation and statute shall be granted acertificate or license to teach in the public schools of thisstate. However, no such rule or regulation shall require thatthe program from which the person graduates be accredited by anynational or regional accreditation association.
3. Notwithstanding any provision in the law to the contrary,the state board of education may accredit a graduate law schooland any graduate of such an accredited law school shall beallowed to take the examination for admission to the bar ofMissouri.
(L. 1985 S.B. 154 ยง 1)