161.410. 1. The executive director of the Missouri commission forthe deaf and hard of hearing shall administer a revolving fund to be knownas the "Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Fund" which ishereby established in the state treasury. The fund shall consist ofappropriations made by the general assembly, any gifts, contributions,grants, or bequests received from federal, private, or other sources, andmoneys transferred or paid to the commission in return for goods andservices provided by the commission to any governmental entity or thepublic. The state treasurer shall approve all disbursements from the fundfor the purchase of goods or services at the request of the executivedirector of the commission.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 33.080, RSMo, to thecontrary, moneys in the fund shall not revert to the credit of the generalrevenue fund.
(L. 2002 H.B. 1783, A.L. 2006 S.B. 900)