161.504. 1. There is hereby created in the department ofelementary and secondary education the "Drug-Free SchoolsProgram". The department of elementary and secondary educationmay apply for federal grants or other federal assistance asadditional funding to appropriated state moneys in order toimplement the provisions of sections 161.500 to 161.508 and theactivities of the state drug-free school advisory committee.All funds made available to the department for the purposes ofsections 161.500 to 161.508 shall be administered and disbursedby the department in consultation with the state drug-freeschool advisory committee established in section 161.508.
2. The department, in consultation with the drug-freeschool advisory committee, is authorized to allocate and awardfunds to local law enforcement agencies and public schoolsworking jointly to develop drug and alcohol use prevention anddrug and alcohol trafficking suppression programs in substantialcompliance with the policies and criteria set forth in sections161.500 to 161.508.
3. The allocation and award of funds shall be made uponthe joint application by the chief law enforcement agency'slegislative body and the superintendent and board of the schooldistrict coapplicant. The joint application of the lawenforcement agency and the school district shall be submittedfor review to the local drug-free school advisory committeeestablished in section 161.506. After review, the applicationshall be submitted to the department. Funds disbursed undersections 161.500 to 161.508 may enhance, but shall not supplant,local funds that would, in the absence of the drug-free schoolprogram, be made available to suppress and prevent drug andalcohol use among school-age children and to curtail drug andalcohol trafficking in and around schools, parks andplaygrounds.
4. The coapplicant local law enforcement agency andcoapplicant school district shall enter into interagencyagreements between themselves which will allow the managementand fiscal tasks created pursuant to sections 161.500 to 161.508and assigned to both the law enforcement agency and the schooldistrict to be performed by only one of them.
5. Within one hundred twenty days of August 28, 1990, thedepartment in consultation with the state drug-free schooladvisory committee shall prepare and issue administrativeguidelines and procedures for the drug-free school programconsistent with the provisions of sections 161.500 to 161.508.In addition to all other formal requirements that may apply tothe enactment of such guidelines and procedures, a complete andfinal draft shall be submitted within ninety days of theeffective date of August 28, 1990, to the chairmen of thejudiciary committees of the house of representatives and thesenate.
6. After a full year of program operation, the departmentshall prepare and submit an annual evaluation report to thegeneral assembly describing in detail the operation of theprogram and the results obtained from the drug-free schoolprogram receiving funds under sections 161.500 to 161.508. Thereport also shall list the full costs applicable both to thedepartment for processing the reviewing application, and to thestate and local agencies for obtaining grants, from any source,to support the program. The purpose of the program evaluationshall be to identify successful methods of preventing drug andalcohol trafficking and use in schools. Ongoing evaluationfindings shall be used to replicate proven successful methods,identify, implement, and refine new methods.
(L. 1990 S.B. 740 ยง 33)