162.1045. 1. The state board of education shall direct thedepartment to develop guidelines for the establishment ofenrollment option plans by pilot local school districts that willbe sending or receiving students. The guidelines shall becompleted no later than August 1, 1995. The guidelines shallinclude the following items:
(1) Application procedures, including recommended deadlinesfor application and for notification of students and principalsin enrollment option districts whenever a student's applicationis accepted;
(2) Procedures to include in enrollment options agreementsfor admitting pupils, including but not limited to:
(a) The establishment of district capacity limits by gradelevel, school building and education program;
(b) A requirement that resident students enrolled in aschool district be given preference over any nonresident pupil inthe selection of a school to attend;
(c) Limits on the number and frequency of changes ofenrollment in enrollment option districts.
2. No enrollment option plan may be designed to include orexclude a nonresident pupil solely based on any of the followingreasons:
(1) Academic ability, or any level of athletic, artistic,or other extracurricular skills;
(2) Handicapping conditions;
(3) The degree of proficiency of the English language;
(4) The fact that the student has been the subject ofdisciplinary proceedings, except that if an applicant has beensuspended or expelled for ten consecutive days or more in theterm for which admission is sought or in the term immediatelypreceding the term for which admission is sought, the proceduresmay include a provision denying admission of such applicant as anonresident student.
(L. 1994 H.B. 1218 ยง 1 subsecs. 3, 4)