162.181. Upon receipt of a plan for the reorganization ofdistricts in any county, the state board of education shallexamine the plan. The state board shall approve or disapprovethe plan either in whole or in part. If the plan includes anyproposed district with territory in more than one county, thestate board shall designate the county containing that portion ofthe proposed district which has the highest assessed valuation asthe county to which the district belongs. The county clerk shallbe notified of the state board's action within sixty daysfollowing receipt of the plan by the state board. If the stateboard finds that the reorganization plan is inadequate in wholeor in part, it shall return the plan to the county clerk with afull statement indicating the parts thereof it has approved andits reasons for finding the plan or any part inadequate. Thecounty commission has sixty days to review the rejected plan orparts thereof, make alterations, amendments and revisions asdeemed advisable and return the revised plan or part to the stateboard for its action.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 3-18, A.L. 1979 H.B. 280, A.L. 1992 S.B. 470 & 497)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.677)
(1960) Where two plans for reorganization of the county submitted by the county board had been disapproved by the state board, and election on a third plan which had been disapproved would be enjoined and an election on a proposed reorganization of part of the territory in the county prepared by the state board would be ordered. Glasgow Sch. Dist. No. 60, Howard Co. v. Marshall (A.), 333 S.W.2d 547.
(1962) Where four common school districts lying in one county had been included in reorganization plans of that county and another and the county boards were unable to agree as to their disposition, an organizational problem common to both county boards was presented which the state board had authority to determine, and on approval by the voters of the plan approved by the state board, that district became lawfully organized. State ex rel. Reorg. Sch. Dist. R-1 of Miller County v. Van Landuyt (Mo.), 359 S.W.2d 773.
(1965) Fact that a school district came into being by reorganization under §§ 165.657 to 165.707 does not militate against fact that it is a town district. Shelby County R-IV School District v. Herman (Mo.), 392 S.W.2d 609
(1965) Section 165.010 was enacted in contemplation of §§ 165.657 to 165.707 and classifies public school districts organized under any of the laws of the state into four classes (common, consolidated, town and city). Sections 165.657 to 165.707 do not expressly, or by implication, create a new fifth class of school districts, actually or by name. Shelby County R-IV School District v. Herman (Mo.), 392 S.W.2d 609.