162.215. 1. The school board of a district with its administrativeheadquarters located within a home rule city with more than forty-eightthousand but fewer than forty-nine thousand inhabitants may authorize andcommission school officers to enforce laws relating to crimes committed onschool premises, at school activities, and on school buses operating withinthe school district only upon the execution of a memorandum ofunderstanding with each municipal law enforcement agency and countysheriff's office which has law enforcement jurisdiction over the schooldistrict's premises and location of school activities, provided that thememorandum shall not grant statewide arrest authority. School officersshall be licensed peace officers, as defined in section 590.010, RSMo, andshall comply with the provisions of chapter 590, RSMo. The powers andduties of a peace officer shall continue throughout the employee's tenureas a school officer.
2. School officers shall abide by district school board policies, allterms and conditions defined within the executed memorandum ofunderstanding with each municipal law enforcement agency and countysheriff's office which has law enforcement jurisdiction over the schooldistrict's premises and location of school activities, and shall consultwith and coordinate activities through the school superintendent or thesuperintendent's designee. School officers' authority shall be limited tocrimes committed on school premises, at school activities, and on schoolbuses operating within the jurisdiction of the executed memorandum ofunderstanding. All crimes involving any sexual offense or any felonyinvolving the threat or use of force shall remain under the authority ofthe local jurisdiction where the crime occurred. School officers mayconduct any justified stop on school property and enforce any localviolation that occurs on school grounds. School officers shall have theauthority to stop, detain, and arrest for crimes committed on schoolproperty, at school activities, and on school buses.
(L. 2009 S.B. 291)