162.626. There is hereby established in the metropolitan schooldistrict a pilot program of multiyear teacher-student groupings. Theprogram shall be implemented in no fewer than ten schools in the districtand shall be implemented for no less than five consecutive years in each ofsuch schools and in at least six classrooms in each of such schools.Pupil-teacher ratios in such classrooms shall not exceed twenty-five toone. The program shall seek to improve student learning by providing along-term relationship between the student and a particular teacher. Theboard shall develop a plan for grade-level groups throughout whichparticipating classes shall maintain the same group of students with thesame teacher for multiyear periods. The grade-level groups shall includeat least two grade levels and shall not exceed four grade levels in thesame group. The plan shall provide for voluntary participation bystudents. The board shall establish a policy and a procedure to review andact upon requests by a student or the parent of a student that the studentbe transferred to a different class with a different teacher. All policiesand plans established by the board pursuant to this section* shall besubject to review and approval of the state board of education.
(L. 1998 S.B. 781)*Word "subsection" appears in original rolls.