162.945. The responsible local school district, theresponsible special school district, or the state department ofelementary and secondary education shall notify in writing byfirst class mail to the last known address or by personal serviceevery parent or guardian of every child diagnosed, evaluated,reevaluated or assigned under the provisions of sections 162.670to 162.995 of the results of any diagnosis, evaluation orreevaluation made pursuant to the terms of sections 162.670 to162.995 and of the recommended assignment, change in assignment,or denial of assignment of the child to a class or programprovided under sections 162.670 to 162.995. The notice shalladvise the parent or guardian that, upon request, the parent orguardian shall be permitted to inspect, at the school attended bythe child or at another convenient place at any time duringregular school hours, all records pertaining to said childincluding all diagnoses, evaluations and reevaluations obtainedby the responsible school district or the state department ofelementary and secondary education. The notice shall alsocontain information as to the procedure for requesting a reviewof any action taken by the local school district or specialdistrict or the state department of elementary and secondaryeducation.
(L. 1973 H.B. 474 ยง 60, A.L. 1977 H.B. 130)