163.087. 1. Money in the school district trust fund shall bedistributed to each school district in the state in the same ratio that theweighted average daily attendance in the district bears to the totalweighted average daily attendance in all such school districts for thepreceding year, except as otherwise provided in section 163.031. Inaddition, each such district which is providing an approved program forpupils residing on federal lands shall receive an amount which shall bedetermined as follows: weighted average daily attendance for pupilsresiding on federal lands shall be calculated separately for the districtin the manner provided in section 163.011, treating such pupils asresidents of the district for this purpose. Such weighted average dailyattendance shall be multiplied by one-half of the amount to be received bythe district, pursuant to this subsection, per weighted average dailyattendance not residing on federal lands.
2. Money in the fund shall be distributed monthly. The state boardof education shall certify the amounts to be distributed to the severalschool districts to the commissioner of administration who shall issue thewarrants therefor.
3. Money received by a school district from the school district trustfund shall be deemed to be local tax revenue derived for the same fiscalyear in which the money is received for the teachers' and incidental funds.In the calculation of state aid for the district under the provisions ofsection 163.031, one-half the amount received by the district in the firstpreceding year shall be included in local effort as provided in section163.031.
(L. 1982 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition C, November 2, 1982, A.L. 1983 H.B. 310, A.L. 1993 S.B. 380, A.L. 1995 S.B. 255, A.L. 2005 S.B. 287)Effective 7-1-06