164.081. The board of directors of any urban schooldistrict, in addition to other taxes it is authorized to levy forschool purposes or library purposes, may levy a tax on alltangible taxable property subject to its taxing powers for thepurchase of sites and for the erection, furnishing andmaintenance of public library buildings and reading rooms, whenauthorized by approving vote of two-thirds of the voters of thedistrict voting on the proposal as submitted by the board. Therate of the levy shall not exceed one and one-half cents on theone hundred dollars assessed valuation, and shall be submitted tobe in effect annually for a period not in excess of five years,but nothing herein shall prevent the submission and approval ofsuccessive proposals for periods not in excess of five yearseach.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 5-8, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.720)