165.071. 1. At least once in every month the county collector in allcounties of the first and second classifications and the collector-treasurerin counties having township organization shall pay over to the treasurer ofthe school board of all seven-director districts all moneys received andcollected by the collector-treasurer to which the board is entitled and takeduplicate receipts from the treasurer, one of which the collector-treasurershall file with the secretary of the school board and the other thecollector-treasurer shall file in his or her settlement with the countycommission.
2. The county collector in counties of the third and fourthclassification, except in counties under township organization, shall pay overto the county treasurer at least once in every month all moneys received andcollected by the county collector which are due each school district and shalltake duplicate receipts therefor, one of which the county collector shall filein his or her settlement with the county commission. The county treasurer insuch counties shall pay over to the treasurer of the school board ofseven-director districts, at least once in every month, all moneys so receivedby the county treasurer to which the board is entitled. Upon payment thecounty treasurer shall take duplicate receipts from the treasurer of theschool board, one of which the county treasurer shall file with the secretaryof the school board, and the other he shall file in his or her settlement withthe county commission.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 6-7, A.L. 2005 H.B. 58 merged with S.B. 210)(Source: RSMo 1959 §§ 165.347, 165.348)