165.111. 1. The school board of each district, for any year forwhich it does not cause an audit to be performed by October thirty-firstafter the close of the school year, shall make and publish, not later thanSeptember first, in some newspaper as described in section 493.050, RSMo,published in the school district, and if there is none then in somenewspaper of general circulation within the district, a statement of allreceipts of school moneys, when and from what source derived, and allexpenditures, and on what account; also, the present indebtedness of thedistrict and its nature, and the rate of taxation for all purposes for theyear. The statement shall be duly attested by the president and secretaryof the board, and the secretary shall forward a copy to the state board ofeducation on forms prescribed by the board.
2. The state board of education shall not release the state aidapportioned to the district for the next ensuing school year until a copyof the required statement has been received at its office in Jefferson Cityand has been approved by it. Any school board which fails, refuses orneglects to order the statement to be made, and any officer of the boardwho fails, refuses, or neglects to prepare, publish and forward thestatement, as required by this section, when ordered by the board, isguilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed one hundreddollars. Annual or biennial audit summaries shall be published accordingto section 165.121.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 6-11, A.L. 1988 S.B. 789, A.L. 1996 S.B. 926)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 165.360)