166.031. 1. The state treasurer is the custodian of allbonds and securities in which the state public school fund isinvested, and also of all moneys belonging to the state publicschool fund, and he and his sureties are responsible on hisofficial bond for the performance of his duties in thesafekeeping, disbursement and investment of all money or propertyof the fund in accordance with the provisions of sections 166.011to 166.121.
2. The state treasurer shall keep an accurate account of allmoney, bonds and securities in the state public school fund, thematurities thereof, the rates of interest thereon and the dateswhen the interest is payable, and shall certify to the board ofeducation quarterly-yearly the accounts and reports relatingthereto that are required by the board.
3. The state treasurer and the director of revenue shallinclude in the annual report required by section 32.060, RSMo, afull account of all receipts and expenditures on account of thestate public school fund and the income therefrom and a report ofall information in their possession which relates to the fund andproperty.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 7-3)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 161.211)