166.091. The director of revenue shall, as early aspracticable, dispose of the property granted, given or devised,according to the terms specified in the written instrumentgranting or giving the same to the public school fund. If theproperty is money, or after the property is converted into money,it shall be deposited in the state treasury and securely investedand sacredly preserved as a part of the public school fund, asprovided by the constitution of this state. The annual incomefrom the grant, gift or devise shall be appropriated anddisbursed and paid over, as near as may be, according to theterms of the writing making the grant, gift or devise, and for noother uses or purposes whatsoever.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 7-9)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 161.260, A.L. 1961 p. 345)