166.161. 1. The proposal shall be submitted to the votersof the county.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be an annual distribution of the capital of theliquidated county school fund?
3. If the proposal to distribute annually the capital of theliquidated county school fund receives a majority of the votescast, the body having control of the county school fund shallproceed thereafter to distribute annually the liquidated fund tothe school districts. The accumulated balance of the fund shallbe apportioned on or before August thirty-first, of each year,until the fund is liquidated and the apportionment shall be madein the manner provided in section 166.131. When the capital ofthe liquidated county school fund is distributed to the schooldistricts the fund shall not be counted as a deduction incalculating the equalization quota as defined in section 163.031,RSMo.
(L. 1963 p. 200 § 7-16, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1982 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition C, November 2, 1982)(Source: RSMo 1959 § 171.030)
Effective 1-1-83